Sunday, October 18, 2009


Me...A Teacher...
Originally uploaded by dbrayer

I teach Computer Basics at my school. Last year I began incorporating a unit on digital media. It included taking photos, scanning photos, taking digital photos, placing photos in iPhoto, including photos in an iMovie and ending with a movie about themself to share with the class. Well this year I believe I will add to the ‘mix’ creating a Flickr account and uploading pictures to be used in a storyboard before they create their movie about themselves.

As I researched Flickr, I did find some inappropriate guidance being given by teachers concerning images and I would like to correct it here. In the article, Using in the Classroom by Pamela AuCoin, she encourages students to search for images using Google images and then to add those images to Flickr (2009). By encouraging students to complete this task, they are inadvertently violating copyright laws and should not be taught that this is appropriate to do when they are in need of images. In addition, Google images should not be downloaded to any computer; they frequently contain viruses that will download along with the image. This would open up the students to viruses on their personally computer and open up the school to attach too. However, Derek Baird suggested students to use the Creative Commons aspect of Flickr only and to use it to replace cutting up old magazines for project (2009). I felt this was a wonderful idea for projects. Using Flickr would result in less mess and in time spent looking for images, thanks to tagging.

The best web site or blog that I came across in my research was on TheRoxor by Kevin, he gave no last name. His blog was called A Simple Guide To Flickr. He was pretty through in his explanation and added links. It is definitely worth your time to check this blog out. Through his instruction, I was able to upload the photo on this blog post using Flickr. I hope you learn as much from him as I did, see the last link below. Enjoy!


AuCoin, P. (2009, October 18). Using in the classroom. Teachers Network. Retrieved from

Baird, D. (2009, October 18). Teaching with technology: Flickr in the K-12 classroom. Learnhub. Retrieved from

Kevin (2009, June 9). A simple guide to flickr. Theroxor: Because design rocks. Retrieved from


  1. Wow Danni! I am really impressed with all your personal research. I like how you addressed the inappropriate guidance that is being given by some teachers online. I'll look into TheRoxor. Sounds like a good lesson. I really want to get my students more involved with Flickr when I start my digital photography lesson. Thank you for the advice!

  2. I am impressed as well! Love the resources and the copyright comments. It is so important for students to learn about intellectual property! Fantastic post!
